Bilderberg meeting

Since its inaugural meeting in 1954, Bilderberg has been an annual forum for informal discussions, designed to foster dialogue between Europe and North America. Every year, between 120-150 political leaders and experts from industry, finance, academia and the media are invited to take part in the meeting. About two thirds of the participants come from Europe and the rest from North America; one third from politics and government and the rest from other fields. The meeting is a forum for informal discussions about megatrends and major issues facing the world. The meetings are held under the Chatham House Rule, which states that participants are free to use the information received, but neither the identity nor the affiliation of the speaker(s) nor of any other participant may be revealed. Thanks to the private nature of the meeting, the participants are not bound by the conventions of their office or by pre-agreed positions. As such, they can take time to listen, reflect and gather insights. There is no detailed agenda, no resolutions are proposed, no votes are taken, and no policy statements are issued.
The 2016 Bilderberg Meeting will take place from 9-12 June in Dresden, Germany. A press release including the list of topics and participants can be found here.
The Bilderberg meeting is an annual three-day forum for informal discussions designed to foster dialogue between Europe and North America. The pioneering meeting grew out of the concern, expressed by leading citizens on both sides of the Atlantic, that Western Europe and North America were not working together as closely as they should on issues of common interest.
The first meeting took place in Hotel De Bilderberg in Oosterbeek, Netherlands, from 29 to 31 May 1954. Representatives from economic, social, political and cultural fields were invited to hold informal discussions to help create a better understanding of the complex forces and major trends affecting Western nations in the difficult post-war period.
Throughout the years, the annual meetings have become a forum for discussion on a wide range of topics - from trade to jobs, from monetary policy to investment and from ecological challenges to the task of promoting international security. In the context of a globalised world, it is hard to think of any issue in either Europe or North America that could be tackled unilaterally.


The annual Bilderberg meeting is organised by the foundation Bilderberg Meetings. A steering committee governs this foundation and designates a chairman. Members are elected for a term of four years and can be re-elected. The chairman’s key responsibilities include chairing the steering committee and, together with the steering committee, preparing the meeting’s programme as well as the selection of participants.
The expenses of maintaining the small secretariat of Bilderberg Meetings are covered wholly by private subscription. The hospitality costs of the annual meeting are the responsibility of the steering committee member(s) of the host country.
Castries, Henri de (FRA), Chairman and CEO, AXA Group
Achleitner, Paul M. (DEU), Chairman of the Supervisory Board, Deutsche Bank AG 
Agius, Marcus (GBR), Non-Executive Chairman, PA Consulting Group
Altman, Roger C. (USA), Executive Chairman, Evercore
Apunen, Matti (FIN), Director, Finnish Business and Policy Forum EVA
Barroso, José M. Durão (PRT), Former President of the European Commission
Baverez, Nicolas (FRA), Partner, Gibson Dunn
Brandtzæg, Svein Richard (NOR), President and CEO, Norsk Hydro ASA
Cebrián, Juan Luis (ESP), Executive Chairman, PRISA and El País
Elkann, John (ITA), Chairman and CEO, EXOR; Chairman, Fiat Chrysler Automobiles
Enders, Thomas (DEU), CEO, Airbus Group
Federspiel, Ulrik (DNK), Group Executive and Chief International and Public Affairs Officer, Haldor Topsøe A/S
Gruber, Lilli (ITA), Editor-in-Chief and Anchor “Otto e mezzo”, La7 TV
Halberstadt, Victor (NLD), Chairman, Bilderberg Meetings; Professor of Economics, Leiden University
Jacobs, Kenneth M. (USA), Chairman and CEO, Lazard
Johnson, James A. (USA), Chairman, Johnson Capital Partners
Karp, Alex (USA), CEO, Palantir Technologies
Kleinfeld, Klaus (USA), Chairman and CEO, Alcoa
Koç, Ömer M. (TUR), Chairman, Koç Holding A.S.
Kravis, Marie-Josée (USA), President American Friends of Bilderberg; Senior Fellow, Hudson Institute
Kudelski, André (CHE), Chairman and CEO, Kudelski Group
Leysen, Thomas (BEL), Chairman, KBC Group
Mundie, Craig J. (USA), Principal, Mundie & Associates
O'Leary, Michael (IRL), CEO, Ryanair Plc
Papalexopoulos, Dimitri (GRC), CEO, Titan Cement Co.
Reisman, Heather M. (CAN), Chair and CEO, Indigo Books & Music Inc.
Sawers, John (GBR), Chairman and Partner, Macro Advisory Partners
Schmidt, Eric E. (USA), Executive Chairman, Alphabet Inc.
Scholten, Rudolf (AUT), CEO, Oesterreichische Kontrollbank AG
Thiel, Peter A. (USA), President, Thiel Capital
Wallenberg, Jacob (SWE), Chairman, Investor AB
Zoellick, Robert B. (USA), Chairman, Board of International Advisors, The Goldman Sachs Group
David Rockefeller (USA)
11-14 June 2015 Telfs-Buchen, Austria
Artificial Intelligence
Chemical Weapons Threats
Current Economic Issues
European Strategy
Middle East
United Kingdom
US Elections
29 May-1 June 2014 Copenhagen, Denmark
Is the Economic Recovery Sustainable?
Who will Pay for the Demographics?
Does Privacy Exist?
How Special is the Relationship in Intelligence Sharing?
Big Shifts in Technology and Jobs
The Future of Democracy and the Middle Class Trap
China's Political and Economic Outlook
The New Architecture of the Middle East
What Next for Europe?
Current Events
6-9 June 2013 Hertfordshire, England
Jobs, Entitlements and Debt
European Politics: Core Questions
Can the US and Europe Grow Faster and Create Jobs?
Africa's Challenges
Saudi Arabia
Dialogue with Prime Minister David Cameron
How Big Data is Changing Almost Everything
Major Trends in Medical Research
Nationalism and Populism
Online Education: Promise and Impacts
Cyberwarfare and the Proliferation of Asymmetric Threats
Is America Withdrawing from the World?
Current Affairs: Syria
31 May-3 June 2012 Chantilly, Virginia, USA
The State of Trans-Atlantic Relations
Is Vigorous Economic Growth Attainable?
The Future of Democracy in the Developed World
The US Political Landscape
The European Political Landscape
A Conversation on US Foreign Policy
The Politics and Geo-Politics of Energy
Stability and Instability in the Middle East
Imbalances, Austerity and Growth
Sustainability of the Euro and its Consequences
What Does Putin 2.0 Mean?
What Can the West Do about Iran?
How Do Sovereign States Collaborate in Cyber Space?
China's Economic and Political Outlook
9-12 June 2011 St. Moritz, Switzerland
The Middle East: What Does Democracy Mean?
Emerging Economies: Roles and Responsibilities
Economic and National Security in a Digital Age
Technological Innovation in Western Economies: Stagnation or Promise?
The Appetite for Reform: Can Governments Deliver?
Switzerland: Can It Remain Successful in the Future?
European Union's Challenges
A Sustainable Euro: Implications for European Economies
China's Domestic Challenges
China's Regional and Global Challenges
Connectivity and the Diffusion of Power
Current Conflict Areas
Demographic Stresses
3-6 June 2010 Sitges, Spain
Current Events: North Korea, Iran and Non-Proliferation
Global Cooling: Implications of Slow Economic Growth
The Growing Influence of Cyber Technology
Is Financial Reform Progressing?
US and European Fiscal and Financial Challenges
The European Union and the Crisis of the Euro
Promises of Medical Science
Energy's Promises and Challenges
Security in a Proliferated World
Social Networking: From the Obama Campaign to the Iranian Revolution
Europe-US: A New Approach
Pakistan, Afghanistan and the Region
Can We Feed the World?

Международная академия приняла участие в бизнес-форуме "АТЛАНТЫ"

Михайлов Андрей Леонидович, член Президиума Международной академии социальных технологий (МАСТ), академик МАСТ, главный секретарь международного делового клуба при МАСТ, принял участие в работе российского бизнес-форума "АТЛАНТЫ".  Смена парадигмы мышления лидеров бизнеса, переход от бизнесмена криминального, паразитического к бизнесмену нравственному, создающему социальный бизнес, - актуальные вопросы, которые активно обсуждались в кулуарах форума.

«Атланты» – это люди, на плечах которых держатся главные движущие силы человечества — производство, созидание и некриминальное творчество.

«Атланты» – это люди, которым важно соблюдать нравственное правило в бизнесе: торговать и не вредить себе и другим, торговать и созидать для себя и других.

«Атланты» – это предприниматели, бизнесмены, топ-менеджеры и руководители, которые выбрали не останавливаться на достигнутом и делать следующие шаги в своей карьере, бизнесе и жизни.

Безнравственность бизнесмена приводит к потере репутации, что ведет за собой утрату доверия и денег.  Эксперты Международной академии социальных технологий видят, что поддерживать доверие к предпринимателям – важная задача каждого участника частных экономических отношений, особенно в России, утомленной реформами и изоляцией от международного рынка финансов и высоких технологий. 

Хаос государства и капитала

Хаос государства и капитала


Юнацкевич Петр Иванович

Международная академия социальных технологий

Сочи, 2015 год


Сегодня для многих граждан со всей очевидностью встают вопросы: «Развал СССР не завершен, начинается развал правопреемника СССР – Российской Федерации?  Что будет взамен Российской Федерации?»

Становление гражданского общества сопровождается ослаблением государства как монополиста на исполнительную власть. Важный признак этого ослабления хаос среди некоторых чиновников, занятых борьбой за сохранение доходных мест в администрациях разного уровня.

Хаос в государственных структурах – это двойные моральные стандарты (полное расхождение слова и дела), бесформенная совокупность постоянно создаваемых и реорганизуемых структур, и кадры, лишенные всяческой морали и нравственности, ориентированные на обогащение любой ценой.



K niektorým aspektom vývoja slovenskej legislatívy
 - v súvislosti s novou európskou energetickou legislatívou

JUDr. Igor Zbojan, PhD., Ministerstvo hospodárstva SR

Implementáciou v slovenskej legislatíve aktuálne platných smerníc pre trh s elektrinou a trh s plynom,, smernice č.2003/54/ES o spoločných pravidlách vnútorného trhu s elektrinou, a smernice č. 2003/55/ES o spoločných pravidlách vnútorného trhu s plynom, sa slovenská energetika stala konkurenčne schopná na trhu Európskych spoločenstiev: To bolo základnou požiadavkou úplnej implementácie smerníc. V súčasnosti platný energetický zákon zabezpečil harmonizáciu legislatívy s legislatívou Európskej únie zavedením tých inštitútov, ktoré sú potrebné na to, aby optimálne fungoval spoločný trh a zaviedol legislatívne vymedzenie príslušných inštitútov, s cieľom dosiahnutia spoľahlivej a kvalitnej dodávky energie.

Zaujímavé aspekty komparácie legislatív

Zaujímavé aspekty komparácie legislatív
Pohľad na niektoré osobitosti a rozdiely v slovenskej a českej legislatíve v oblasti podpory výroby elektriny z obnoviteľných zdrojov energie

JUDr. Igor Zbojan, PhD., Ministerstvo hospodárstva SR

Dňa 1. septembra 2009 nadobudol účinnosť zákon, ktorý v podmienkach Slovenskej republiky tvorí základ novej energetickej legislatívy v oblasti podpory výroby elektriny z obnoviteľných zdrojov energie.

Ide o zákon č. 309/2009 Z.z. o podpore obnoviteľných zdrojov energie a vysoko účinnej kombinovanej výroby a o zmene a doplnení niektorých zákonov. Českú legislatívu v uvedenej oblasti reprezentuje zákon č. 180/2005 Sb. o podpoře výroby elektřiny z obnovitelných zdrojů energie a o změně některých zákonů (zákon o podpoře využívání obnovitelných zdrojů), ktorý sa datuje o niečo skôr , už od 01.08.2005.