2020 – The International Year of Eco-behavior and Eco-management

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2020 – The International Year of Eco-behavior and Eco-management


The Academy of Social Technologies (AST) held a session in Saint Petersburgon 13 December 2019, where the 2019 results and the Academy’s mission of 2020 were discussed. Chigirev V. A. presented a paper on “2020 – The International Year of Eco-behavior and Eco-management”.

The president of the AST, IunatskevichP. I., summarized the session:

There is a shortage of justicein the society. Each individual experiences unjust treatment to one’s self. The scarcity of justice and inequality lead to social disasters and private tragedy, somatic and mental illnesses¸ increase in crime and armed conflicts.Any relationship failure between individuals involves injustice.


As Chigirev V. A. pointed out, the restitution of sustainable development is accomplished through justice equilibrium.

The justice equilibrium models are based on the discursive-judgmental method (DJM). DJM is an applied research basis for social justice equilibrium modelling.

Social justice equilibration is a service, which institutes of the AST can carry out in their areas of expertise.

Justice disequilibrium is the path to social, group and personal disaster.In order to prevent such disasters in social and corporateconflicts one must practice social justice equilibration.

The researchers of AST institutes developed models and formulas of social justice equilibration in 2019. Those models were tested under equilibrium provision (justice restitution) for certain customers of the AST institutes, which gave positive results. AST institutes’ researchers can certainly continue their professional practice in equilibrium provision for concerned parties in 2020.

The AST mission of 2020 is to make the year an international year of eco-behavior and eco-management.

Social-and-ecological problems are the tasks, on which the AST mission is focused on.

We recognize the international significance of developing a culture of behavior ecology and management ecology. This culture involves employing the global ecological imperative (do no harm).

The practices of the AST institutes, subsidiaries and other affiliates are aimed at theoretical and applicatory employment of their scientific achievements and support in forming the eco-behavior and eco-management culture.

The AST research fields have mainstreamed applicative materials of introducinginto the social sphere such terms as: eco-behavior, eco-management, eco-culture, eco-healthcare, eco-psychology, eco-economy etc.


“Ecology” is not just a vogue word used in inter-industrial context. People determine the meaning and relevance of words (terms). If the prefix ECO becomes a regulatory marker on a global scale, a marker, which people need and react to with live interest, this means that there is demand for it and a certain cultural code is formed. This code in itself includes an ecological behavioral imperative: do no harm to neighbors (C3), do no harm to the environment (C2); do no harm to yourself (C1). TheChigirev V. A. and Iunatskevich P. I. school of thought developed the code.

The ecological behavioral imperative epitomizes the moral rule of Three Cs:do no harm to yourself (C1), neighbors (C2), environment (C3), not in thought, not in word, not in deed. Create for yourself (C1), neighbors (C2), environment (C3) in thought, in word, in deed. In their research, Chigirev V. A. and Iunatskevich P. I. believe that for every individual toperform healthily (in a biological, physical, somatic, psychological and social sense), above all, it is necessary to do no harm to others (C2). It is a crucial task for the human culture to ensure that his behavior follows the ecological behavioral imperative.


The ecological behavioral imperative is ensured by implementing the developed “blocking technology” of Chigirev V. A. and Iunatskevich P. I. called the discursive-judgmental method (DJM) intosocial practice.

DJM is based on creating attention concentrators of socially relevant questions in information and communication networks, where those questions are discussed. The network provides social feedback through group peer reviews and mass ethical assessment with various scales (scale of harm, competence, adequate behavior, etc.). As a result, negative civil consent is formed, which blocks harmful behavior to the society of certain social agents (of an individual, a citizen group, an organization).

The blocking technology allows regulating the implementation of new technologies. It can stimulate their introduction and distribution throughout society or prevent its implementation. The blocking technology differs from shut down technologies and disruptive innovations, because it enables to regulate technologies (approval or prohibition) from an ethical point of view (does it do harm to people). The proprietors of those technologies form behavior patterns in the society (e.g. models of pleasure from consumption, parasitic and irresponsible behavior, and dehumanization of human relations). The blocking technology enables to prohibit counter-cultural behavior codes in the cultural sphere – social parasitism, cowardice, civil passivity, consensual and mutual distrust, criminal attitudes, “doggery attitude to people”, reluctance to work and take responsibility, etc.

A shut down technology is an innovation category, which decreases resource demand including human resources due to its implementation. Whereupon, this technology leads to shutting downindividual qualifications or lines of industry without creating equivalent in resource demand areas. If modern technologies (sectors, markets) substitute outdated ones, then those innovations are called disruptive.

Disruptive innovations change value ratio on the market. Therefore, outdated commodities become noncompetitive due to its competitive parameters’ loss in value.


Eco-behavior (behavior ecology) is an individual’s behavior, which excludes harm to the environment, other individuals and one’s self.

Eco-management (management ecology) is an individual’s management behavior that prevents from doing harm to the environment, other individuals and one’s self. Eco-behavior and eco-management provides sustainable development and environmental, social, governmental and individual safety.

The members of the academy will conduct seminars and lessons on eco-behavior and eco-management aimed at improving the ecology of social relations, provision explanation of the Open Civil Society Declaration. They will assess the ecological levels of human relations and behavior. New subjectological databases on social and interpersonal relations will be created.

The criterion of “truth” in the discursive-judgmental method is the ecological behavioral imperative. That is the reason the approach of Chigirev Viktor Anatolevich and Iuntskevich Petr Ivanovichis intended to adjust many modern culture defects. Those defects occurred due to hereditary instincts that lead to various forms of instinctive harmful individual’s behavior.

For people to be happy, they need other people and deep, sincere relationships with each other. This is the essence of relation ecology. Relying on such relations the safety of the environment and individuals can be ensured in every part of the world.


Nikita Bodeiko