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Nravstvennost (ecological) manifesto
Yunatskevich P.I., Chigirev V.A. Nravstvennost (ecological) manifest / Book series: Nravstvennost path of mankind. - SPb.: Institute of Nravstvennosti, 2021. - 16 p.
P.I. Yunatskevich, Doctor of Pedagogy, Professor of the Institute of Medicine and Informal Justice
V.A. Chigirev, Doctor of Military Sciences, Professor
The basis of the nravstvennost (ecological) manifesto is the global ecological principle - not to harm the environment, other people and oneself (the environment, neighbors, oneself). The global ethical principle stems from the global ecological principle - one must behave in such a way as not to harm other people, oneself and the environment.
The global ethical principle is laid in the basis of the nravstvennost rule "Three Cs": do not harm yourself (C1), neighbors (C2), environment (C3) neither by thought, nor word, nor deed; to create for themselves, neighbors, habitats by thought, word, deed.
The nravstvennost (environmental) manifesto is a source of international law that ensures the ecology of social relations in all regions of the world.
BBK 65.422.5-2ya
P.I. Yunatskevich, 2021
V.A. Chigirev, 2021
ISBN 5-7199-0287-2
Information Publishing House of the Institute of Nravstvennosti
Signed for printing on September 21, 2021. Format 60x90 / 8. Volume 1.7 pp.
Offset printing. Paper 80 g. Public electronic circulation, layout in PDF
Charity issue Prepared at the Institute of Nravstvennosti
Nravstvennost (ecological) manifesto
The basis of the nravstvennost (ecological) manifesto is the global ecological principle - not to harm the environment, other people and oneself (the environment, neighbors, oneself). The global ethical principle stems from the global ecological principle - one must behave in such a way as not to harm other people, oneself and the environment.
The global ethical principle is laid in the basis of the nravstvennost rule "Three Cs": do not harm yourself (C1), neighbors (C2), environment (C3) neither by thought, nor word, nor deed; to create for themselves, neighbors, habitats by thought, word, deed.
The nravstvennost (environmental) manifesto is a source of international law that ensures the ecology of social relations in all regions of the world.
The manifesto defines civil society procedures that provide support and accountability for nravstvennost or innravstvennost acts of social actors.
The manifesto can be taken as a guide to action by citizens of various countries of the international community.
The manifesto is aimed at legal support and development of an open civil society. It consolidates an ecological approach to the regulation of public relations.
The manifesto defines the specifics of the ethical assessment of the behavior of social subjects and describes the civil procedures for its application in various spheres of activity of citizens and organizations.
Nravstvennosti, as the idea of harmlessness, is accepted by the majority of citizens and can be used in the ideological support of the development of civil society institutions and democratic and people's states, and serve as the basis for all citizens' life.
The manifesto is aimed at overcoming the consequences of the nravstvennost crisis, during which the devaluation of traditional values took place, the cult of money and enrichment at any cost was formed. The nravstvennost crisis led to crises in all spheres of human life. New threats to public security have emerged, traditional challenges such as corruption, organized crime, terrorism, extremism, poverty and misery have intensified. The need to protect the environment (nravstvennosti) and the creation of a legal mechanism for its compulsory accounting in all spheres of citizens' life became obvious.
The Manifesto defines the civil mechanism for the implementation of the ecological approach based on the consideration of nravstvennosti in the regulation of public relations and social processes.
The Manifesto describes the process of ethical responsibility for environmental violations, innravstvennosti, unethical behavior and dishonesty.
The specificity of the Manifesto lies in the fact that it offers a specific technology for the influence of citizens and their associations on the implementation of a nravstvennost and ecological approach in all life processes.
Article 1.
International law for the protection of nravstvennosti and the environment
1. International law for the protection of nravstvennosti and the environment consists of this Manifesto, which citizens and associations of citizens from any region of the world have the right to freely adhere to.
2. This Manifesto does not contradict the constitutions of all states of the world community, it is based on the generally recognized principles and norms of international law.
Article 2.
Objectives of the Manifesto
1. The objectives of this Manifesto are:
implementation of an ecological approach in the regulation of public relations;
propaganda of nravstvennosti as the basis of life;
organization of nravstvennost education and enlightenment;
support and restriction of human and civil rights and freedoms for the protection of nravstvennosti;
exclusion of double standards of behavior, combating corruption, crime, terrorism, extremism;
development of civil society in all regions of the world.
2. For the implementation of these tasks, this Manifesto establishes the basis and principles of nravstvennost education and enlightenment of citizens, defines the civil procedure for ethical assessment and other measures to support and protect nravstvennosti and the environment in any region of the world.
Article 3.
Nravstvennost principle and nravstvennosti
1. The nravstvennost principle is not to harm yourself, others, or your environment. It is realized in the nravstvennost rule: do not harm yourself, your neighbors, the environment, neither by thought, nor word, nor deed; create for yourself, neighbors, environment with thought, word and deed.
2. Nravstvennosti is a general expression of those properties of human nature that perform the function of a regulator of relations between members of society, regardless of social, national, confessional and other factors. This is a special mindset and behavior that allows you not to harm yourself, others, and the environment.
3. Harm - perceived or truly experienced by a person violation of his life. Threat - potential harm to human life.
4. The ability to recognize the harm and threats of citizens is formed in the process of socialization and is consolidated in the course of studying secular ethics.
5. Nravstvennosti, being a supranational, supranational, supra-confessional, supra-party category, can be used by anyone to determine their own value system. Nravstvennost values reach any person voluntarily due to their attractiveness and universality, they are supported by the participation of all citizens in nravstvennost education and enlightenment.
Article 4.
Ensuring nravstvennosti
1. Nravstvennosti is ensured by nravstvennost education, education, propaganda, institutions of civil society.
2. To educate nravstvennosti in educational institutions and other organizations, a lesson of secular ethics may be conducted, during which students and employees master the provisions of this Manifesto.
3. In the course of the lesson of secular ethics, citizens, guided by a nravstvennost rule, master the ability to give public nravstvennost assessments of events and actions that are committed by other subjects. The ability to recognize innravstvennost acts in one's own behavior and in the behavior of other citizens and organizations is an obligatory educational result of conducting a lesson of secular ethics.
4. Preparation and implementation of the lesson of secular ethics is coordinated by civil society institutions, interested citizens and organizations.
5. Nravstvennost education and promotion of nravstvennosti are organized in the media and with the help of information and communication resources. They aim to visualize the benefits of nravstvennost behavior and provide civil society with examples of legal liability for innravstvennosti, unethical behavior and dishonesty.
Article 5.
Secular ethics and civil society
1. The behavior of a person who is guided by a nravstvennost rule is nravstvennost.
2. Ethical behavior is only nravstvennost behavior that ensures the emergence of trust.
3. Trust - social relations that arise between citizens and organizations of citizens in the absence of mutual harm and threats. The existence of civil society is impossible without trust.
4. An open civil society is a set of free citizens and their associations that carry out their life activities regardless of interference and regulation by the authorities on the basis of mutual trust.
5. The common goal of a citizen and civil society is mutual development and creation.
6. The development of civil society is ensured by the openness of social processes, public administration and local self-government procedures, free discussion and ethical assessment of the behavior of social actors, the right of citizens and their associations to form civil society institutions aimed at implementing the provisions of this Manifesto.
Article 6.
Ethical assessment
1. Ethical assessment is an assessment by citizens of the nravstvennosti of actions (inaction) of other citizens and organizations of citizens from the standpoint of causing or not causing harm and threats in order to block innravstvennost behavior.
2. The ethical assessment process is open in nature, regulated by civil society, and is a form of public control.
3. The basis for an ethical assessment is the commission by a citizen or an organization of an act that is assessed by other persons as harmful or threatening to them.
4. A negative ethical assessment is an ethical burden on a social subject.
Article 7.
Civil Consent and the Ethical Assessment Scale
1. Civil consent (positive or negative) is the opinion of citizens, expressed in an evaluative form about the social actions of social actors.
2. Social action is the result of the activity of a social subject: intentions, statements, decisions, actions affecting interests, capable of causing harm, creating a threat for more than one citizen.
3. A social subject is an individual, groups of people and their associations, organizations, enterprises, administration, government, civil society as a whole.
4. A social process is a way of existence of a social subject, his life activity, carried out in interaction with other social subjects.
5. Negative civil consent is a consolidated condemning opinion of many social actors about social actions or inaction of other social actors. It is a civil society tool for correcting social processes.
6. The ethical assessment scale (binary, multi-point) is a way of digitizing and visualizing the assessment of the level of nravstvennosti of a social subject. Ethical assessment scales can be used by citizens to organize ethical assessment of social subjects.
Article 8.
Conscience and social justice
1. Conscience is an ethical regulator of the behavior of a person and a citizen, his inner attitude, formed in the process of nravstvennost education with the help of other citizens and organizations of citizens, constantly correcting the behavior and self-esteem of a person.
2. Conscience arises during ethical assessment, public discussion and condemnation of the behavior of a social subject.
3. Social justice is established and supported by social actors acting in good faith.
Article 9.
Legal responsibility for innravstvennosti
1. Punishment and other legal measures applied to social subjects who have committed innravstvennost, unethical acts, acting not in good faith, are permissible only to the extent that they are determined by the current legislation.
2. The commission by a social subject of a social action, ethically assessed by other subjects as innravstvennost, leads to the formation of negative civil consent.
3. Negative civil consent in relation to a social subject leads to a loss of trust in him on the part of other social subjects.
4. Loss of trust leads to the destruction of the reputation of the social subject.
5. Lack of trust and reputation naturally interferes with the life of a social subject. Thus, self-punishment for innravstvennosti, unethical behavior and dishonesty is carried out.
Article 10.
Public safety
1. Public safety - the state of protection of social subjects from threats and harm.
2. Public safety is ensured by maintaining the nravstvennosti of social actors and civil consent.
3. Corruption, social stratification, poverty and misery destroy nravstvennosti, create the basis for extremism, terrorism and other innravstvennost acts that violate public safety.
4. Anti-corruption - actions of social actors to prevent innravstvennost actions of other social actors through the consolidation and visual presentation of negative civil consent in the ethical assessment of corruption, manifestations of corruption.
5. The elimination of social stratification, poverty and misery is ensured by a nravstvennost economic policy, the inviolability of private and personal property of citizens.
6. The innravstvennost social and economic policy of the authorities leads to the loss of public trust, destroys civil accord.
7. The rotation of personnel, including those discrediting the authorities by the fact of their presence in public office, restores confidence in the authorities, helps to minimize innravstvennost processes.
Article 11.
Social parasitism
1. Social parasitism is a way of existence of a social subject, guided by the idea of personal gain at any cost. A consequence of the cult of money, double standards, discrepancies between words and deeds. The social parasite lives at the expense of other social subjects, without participating or imitating participation in their creative activities.
2. Socio-parasitic structure - an organization, all efforts of which are aimed at obtaining funds to maintain their own existence. A characteristic feature of such a structure is the imitation of its main activity in solving social problems that are relevant to citizens.
3. Social parasitism is the cause of corruption, social stratification, extremism and terrorism.
4. Ways to prevent social parasitism - public control and ethical assessment of social subjects.
Article 12.
Ethics and management rotation
1. Management personnel are obliged to strictly observe nravstvennost standards.
2. Citizens can continuously assess the social actions of the management staff. This process can be complemented by a public discourse of social subjects and a visual presentation of the results of discursive practices.
3. Non-observance of nravstvennost standards, revealed in the course of ethical assessment of the actions of management personnel on the part of citizens, should lead to their rotation.
4. Rotation of management personnel caught in innravstvennost behavior ensures the solidarity of civil society with the state and municipal authorities of the city, counteraction to corruption, crime, extremism and terrorism.
Article 13.
Ethical assessment as a civil procedure
1. Ethical assessment is a civil procedure carried out by citizens who have felt harm from the activities of other citizens and organizations. Public ethical assessment is a publicly available way of regulating social relations, it realizes the right of citizens to freedom of speech and nravstvennost choice.
2. A social subject can bring information about the innravstvennost acts of other social subjects into the public sphere for open discussion. The social subject is responsible for the reliability of this information in accordance with the current legislation.
3. Information about the innravstvennost behavior of social subjects brought to the public sphere is subject to ethical assessment. All interested social actors can participate in the ethical assessment process.
4. For the ethical assessment of information released into the public sphere, the subjects who carried out the ethical assessment, and (or) organized it, cannot be held liable in accordance with international law.
5. In the course of ethical assessment, a citizen in written or electronic media in any form expresses his assessment of the harm that he received from the assessed individual or legal entity, or his opinion about the harm from one or another social action of any social subject.
6. Individuals and legal entities regulate their activities taking into account the ethical assessments of citizens. Consideration of positive or negative ethical assessment is carried out independently in the form of taking appropriate measures to restore and maintain public confidence and reputation.
Article 14.
Discursive practice as a civil procedure.
1. Discursive practice as a civil procedure is the free participation of interested social actors in the ethical assessment and discussion of socially significant actions of other social actors.
2. Discursive practice can be carried out by citizens in the form of civic forums, state, scientific, expert and public councils, open communication, reflected in the media and other information and communication resources.
3. The personal ethical assessment of any social subject can be changed only by him personally an unlimited number of times in the course of discursive practice.
4. Discourses are continuous in nature and ensure the education of the nravstvennosti of social subjects, social justice and civil peace, form private norms that regulate the behavior of social subjects.
5. Discursive practices are dynamic, subjective and cannot be the basis for bringing to justice the social subjects participating in them in accordance with the current legislation.
Article 15.
Nravstvennosti Index
1. The nravstvennosti index is a numerical indicator of harm from social actions or inaction of a subject. Formed in the process of ethical assessment.
2. Each social subject can have an individual nravstvennosti index.
3. The nravstvennosti index is a dynamic characteristic of a social subject that changes in the course of discursive practices.
4. Information about the values of the nravstvennosti index of social subjects is open and accessible.
Come and evaluate, influence politicians:
Article 16.
Ideology-technology of nravstvennosti
1. Ideology-technology of nravstvennosti is a social technology and includes the idea of nravstvennosti, freely accepted and shared by the majority of social subjects, as the idea of harmlessness; and the associated procedure for measuring the nravstvennosti of social subjects.
2. Measurement of the nravstvennosti of social subjects is carried out in the process of ethical assessment of their social actions. As a result, each social subject receives an individual nravstvennosti index, which is constantly adjusted in the process of discursive practices.
3. Individual indices of nravstvennosti of social subjects are used by other social subjects in ensuring the openness of civil society, state building, government, local government and other types of life.
Article 17.
Discursive evaluative method
1. The discursive-evaluative method is based on the global ecological principle, which is understood as the way people behave, ensuring the survival of mankind, based on the fact that a person does not harm the environment, other people and himself.
From the global ecological principle, the global ethical principle arises, according to which a person needs to behave in such a way as not to harm himself, others and the environment.
2. The discourse-evaluative method consists in creating a special information and communication structure that allows for a directed network discourse and mass ethical assessment in real time, visually reflecting the harm or threat posed by a social subject. Such a reflection allows people to exert an accurate humane influence on a social subject, and to prevent harm caused to them, to destroy the threat posed to them.
3. The discursive-evaluative approach is a procedure for assessing the ethics (nravstvennosti, nravstvennosti) of the behavior of specific social subjects, based on the discursive practices of the specific life of these social subjects. In the course of these procedures, discursive evaluative regulators arise. They remind the subject how to behave in a particular social situation, provide subjects with the opportunity to explain why they do this and not otherwise. Other subjects are given the opportunity to evaluate the social actions of subjects who are recommended to change their behavior in accordance with the global environmental principle.
Article 18.
1. Ethics is a field of research in which nravstvennosti is studied, which is understood as human behavior in which, in equal relations, harm to oneself, others and the environment is not caused. Ethics expresses the main sphere of regulation of human relations and the associated feelings of solidarity, justice, freedom and ethical restrictions on behavior.
2. Ethics underlies ethical, environmental social technologies (eco-social technologies), which are understood as a set of techniques for applying the discursive-evaluative method to form a nravstvennost outlook for all of humanity.
3. On the basis of eco-social technologies, discursive-evaluative networks are designed and implemented, which ensure the nravstvennost and creative behavior of people, nravstvennost behavior and nravstvennost management.
4. Nravstvennost behavior is behavior in which harm to oneself, other people and the environment is excluded.
5. Nravstvennost management is a process of goal-setting, planning, motivation, organization, execution and control of a socially significant action, a management act, which excludes harm to oneself, other people and the environment.
Article 19.
Nravstvennost governance
1. For the implementation of nravstvennost management, research is carried out on the real professional activity of a specific object of management (specialist), based on the results of which models of this activity (models of professional activity) are created.
2. Research and refinement of models of real professional activity are continuous in order to take into account the changes introduced by the situation.
3. On the basis of models of professional activity, models of a specialist's personality are created, the qualities of which correspond to the nature and requirements of real activity.
4. Models of a specialist's personality form the basis of continuous training and education throughout the life of a specialist. Clarification of the personality model of a specialist, caused by changes in the situation, is immediately reflected in the content of training and education of specialists. Training is carried out by researchers of the real activities of specific specialists, who have a good understanding of the subject of training and education. Intermediaries without practical experience in the profession and research into the real activities of specialists in the transfer of knowledge are unacceptable.
5. The conformity of the model of professional activity and the specific personality of a specialist is carried out through a group of expert and mass ethical assessment, as well as discourse - an open public discussion.
6. When determining the discrepancy between the model of professional activity and the specific personality of a specialist, such a specialist is rotated for additional training and education.
7. In accordance with the model of professional activity and the specific personality of a specialist, such a specialist is encouraged and appointed to a more responsible and managerial position.
8. Nravstvennost management allows you to control the energy of the human masses, directing it to creation.
Article 20.
Nravstvennost behavior
1. To ensure nravstvennost behavior, studies are carried out on the real civil activity of a specific subject of civil society, based on the results of which models of this activity (models of civil activity) are created.
2. Research and refinement of models of real civil activity are continuous in order to take into account the changes introduced by the situation.
3. On the basis of models of civic activity, models of a citizen's personality are created, the qualities of which correspond to the nature and requirements of real activity.
4. Models of a citizen's personality form the basis of continuous education and upbringing throughout a person's life. Clarification of the model of the citizen's personality, caused by changes in the situation, is immediately reflected in the content of education and upbringing of children, youth and adults. The training is carried out by researchers of the real activities of specific citizens, who have a good understanding of the subject of training and education. Intermediaries without experience of practical work in the profession and research of the real activities of citizens in the transfer of knowledge are unacceptable.
5. The conformity of the model of civic activity and the specific personality of a citizen is carried out through a group of expert and mass ethical assessment, as well as discourse - an open public discussion.
6. When determining the discrepancy between the model of civil activity and the specific personality of a citizen, such a citizen is sent for additional training and education.
7. If the model of civic activity and the specific personality of a citizen are consistent, such a citizen is encouraged and his authorities are nominated.
Article 21.
Discursive-evaluative networks
1. The construction of discursive-evaluative or social-evaluative networks is carried out on the basis of the discursive evaluative method.
2. Discourse-evaluative or social-evaluative networks constitute the technological base of eco-social technologies, visually reflecting the process of group expert and mass ethical assessment and discussion of the behavior of social subjects using various scales.
3. Evaluation of behavior in real time allows for the upbringing of a person, forms the ability to comply with the requirements of the global ecological principle, the global ethical principle and the "Three S" rules in their behavior.
4. Discursive-evaluative networks used by civil and professional communities for self-government and organization of their activities ensure the movement of every person and all mankind along the nravstvennost path.
5. Citizens and organizations who observe Rule III-C in their conduct become volunteers for the nravstvennost path.
Our common tasks are: to change the metacultural code of humanity, to move to a nravstvennost culture; to carry out nravstvennost education, which is understood as such an organization of training and upbringing, in which the models of the personality of specialists and citizens, obtained in the course of research of their real activities, are the basis of education.
Nravstvennost education can be carried out by subjects who have the necessary nravstvennost qualities and experience in researching the real activities of specialists and citizens who are able to organize educational and educational discursive-evaluative practices. We call such workers of nravstvennost education subjectologists, specialists in obtaining, analyzing and accounting in training and education, managing data on attitudes towards a particular citizen, specialist, or leader.
These tasks are solved by maintaining nravstvennost behavior and management in human relations with the help of eco-social technologies based on visualization in information and communication environments, constructed on the basis of the discursive-evaluative method, of social feedback in real time.
The discursive-evaluative method used in management and other activities allows each person to become a subject of his life, to create for other people and himself; do not harm the habitat, neighbors and yourself. So our civilization will become nravstvennost, harmless to the environment and to every person on planet Earth.
Yunatskevich Pyotr Ivanovich
Chigirev Victor Anatolievich
Academy of Eco-Social Technologies
Institute of nravstvennosti
Saint Petersburg, 2021
Great nravstvennost path all mankind
Do not harm - you will be unharmed
Don't harm yourself!
Don't harm your neighbor !! Otherwise, the neighbor will hurt you.
Don't harm the environment !!! Otherwise the environment will hurt you.
In order not to harm yourself, you need to not harm other people and the environment - that is, become a volunteer on the nravstvennost path. Do not harm yourself - here and now - and you will ensure a bright future for yourself and your descendants.
Nravstvennostconsists in not harming oneself, neighbors, environment. Others define the life path of each person. They evaluate and discuss any citizen and / or boss. If others establish that there is harm from this particular citizen and / or the boss, then there is NO trust in him. Therefore, a saboteur who has lost trust immediately becomes the object of the influence of others. This influence can be different, dangerous and even fatal. To avoid harm from others, the pest can be saved by taking a nravstvennost path. For self-preservation, it is important for him to stop harming others, so as not to harm himself in the end !!!
Join us!
Chigirev Victor Anatolievich
Yunatskevich Pyotr Ivanovich
Saint Petersburg, 2021